Here is a copy of a mailer sent out by the Valli Vue board in 2019. The text reads as follows:
This year's drought and spruce beetle infestation has taken a toll on Valli Vue's spruce trees. We encourage home owners to remove all standing dead trees prior to the next beetle hatch, which occurs in the spring about mid-May (possibly earlier).
In accord with the Valli Vue HOA covenants, please submit all tree removal plans to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for approval to prevent later controversy. Kaitlyn Jackson (907-333-1244 or, our managing agent, will pass requests to the ACC. We value your time and will expedite this process as we receive requests.
Our managing agency, AMG, has negotiated a 10% discount with Tall Trees for Valli Vue residents. Other popular companies include Gage Tree Service, and Paul's Tree Service. As always, you are welcome to choose any tree removal company (or even do it yourself), and we do not endorse or require the use of a specific company.
Maintaining good tree health as well as swift cleanup and processing of dying or recently downed spruce trees are keys to reducing beetle infestations. Dying trees act as hosts to the beetle larvae that will infect new trees the following spring. Freshly cut wood of any variety is an attractant to beetles, so if you would like to retain the wood from your felled trees we recommend you take a few precautions. First, fell your trees sooner then later so that the wood may begin the drying process. Strip the bark off the tree and dispose of it, and keep the wood covered with a tarp. If you do not wish to keep the wood on your property, you can have it removed by a tree company, or dispose of it at the Anchorage Solid Waste Transfer Station (any time) or the Municipal Wood lot off of 100th Ave and C Street if it opens in time.
Please do not wait until the Valli Vue Spring Cleanup in May, as you risk attracting beetles to your property.
We understand that tree removal is both a financial and emotional burden on our home owners. Good stewardship of our neighborhood trees will help us maintain the wooded character that we love. During the growing season we encourage you to water and fertilize your healthy trees. Our native Spruce-Birch forest is aging so we encourage planting native trees to help preserve the wooded character of our neighborhood
Thank you, The Valli Vue Board
