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Spring Newsletter

Valli Vue


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Spring Newsletter


With the beginning of spring and melting snow, the roads and ditches are coming back

into view. The Valli Vue Home Owners Association (HOA) board would like to explain the

complementary jurisdictions of the HOA and the Valli Vue Limited Road Service Area

(LRSA) in our neighborhood. The HOA and LRSA are separate legal entities with

separate realms of responsibility and authority; neither can direct the actions of the

other. The HOA is a non-profit corporation vested with two primary functions: 1)

maintenance of the community water system and common areas and 2) enforcement of

the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions that define how each lot can be used. The

HOA has no authority regarding the roads, which are owned by the Municipality of

Anchorage (Muni), or the ditches, which the Muni manages as a right-of-way across the

front of each lot.

The roads and ditches are expressly managed by the Valli Vue Limited Road Service

Area (LRSA), an entity established by the Muni, consisting of a Board of Supervisors we

elect via regular Muni elections. The LRSA board members are volunteers tasked with

maintaining the roads and ditches to Muni standards using private contractors hired by

the Muni and paid with our tax dollars. Work overseen by the LRSA (in consultation with

the Muni) includes snow removal, graveling and other ice control, pothole repairs, crack

sealing, and eventually repaving and ditch rehabilitation when needed.

The Valli Vue HOA board has heard from many concerned homeowners regarding the

road and ditch work that began last summer. As an advocate for the community, we have

written two letters detailing everyone's concerns to the Valli Vue LRSA, and we have

recently received a reply. This correspondence can be found on the home page of the

HOA website at We share the concerns of many residents regarding

the ditch issues and the manner in which the remaining project work may be completed,

but the HOA board is just one voice speaking for the community in general. To add your

voice or address specific issues, contact the Valli Vue LRSA via Mike Markie

( and/or contact Maury Robinson, the LRSA coordinator at the

Muni Public Works department ( or 907-343-8191).


Valli Vue Estates is assisting with spring cleanup in the neighborhood by contracting with

Gage Tree Services this year to collect and dispose of green waste from individual homes.

Please remember the following when preparing for pick up:

  1. All organic materials must be placed along the edge of the roadway no later than Monday, May 15th, for pick up. The contractor will begin moving through the neighborhood on Tuesday, May 16th. The contractor will only make one passthrough each street for collection.

  2. Please bag leaves, grass clippings, and short branches. Logs and brush should be cut into lengths no longer than four feet and should not exceed 4 inches in diameter.

  3. DO NOT bag gravel. Sweep it into a windrow on the edge of the roadway, where the LRSA contractor will sweep it up after our Spring Cleanup.

  4. DO NOT place appliances, furniture, tires, batteries, hazardous waste, construction debris, or garbage along the roadway. The contractor will not pick up these items.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Association Manager,

Dannielle, at


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