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HOA Board Letter to LRSA Board

Valli Vue

The original PDF version of this letter can be found here:


January 30, 2024

Dear Valli Vue Estates LRSA Board,

The Board of Directors for the Valli Vue Homeowners Association (HOA) is submitting this letter

on behalf of the residents of the Valli Vue neighborhood to formally request the LRSA board

appoint a representative other than Mike Markie to resolve all outstanding issues resulting from

the ditch rehabilitation project. The LRSA ditch rehabilitation project commenced in the summer

of 2022 and was deemed complete in June 2023.

This request is rooted in the following concerns pertaining to the project:

1. Safety Hazards: Improperly installed recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) shoulders elicited

significant traffic and pedestrian safety concerns within the community. The RAP shoulders never consolidated and deteriorated rapidly, creating additional hazards for emergency vehicles,

residents, and other Anchorage community members who drive through our neighborhood. The

extreme slopes from the road exacerbate the danger, with excessive slopes encroaching into

homeowners' properties and along driveway transitions. The deep ditches with no recovery areas is the first reason listed in support of the Anchorage School District’s decision to cease school bus service in Valli Vue during the 2022-23 school year.

2. Non-Compliance with Standards: The completed ditches deviate from the established

Municipal guidance for rural streets and acceptable quality standards. This failure to adhere to

prescribed standards raises questions about the overall efficacy and appropriateness of the

rehabilitation efforts undertaken by LRSA. The LRSA representative assured Valli Vue residents

on numerous occasions, including the 2022 Annual Meeting, and through an April 2023 postcard

mailed to all homeowners, that the ditches would be finished via rock removal, topsoil placement, and hydroseeding. These assurances turned out to be empty; there was no rock removal or topsoil placement, and the hydroseeding was not completed with a quality that met municipal standards.

3. Environmental Violations: There is compelling evidence that the project was executed in

violation of pertinent local, state, and federal environmental regulations governing stormwater

management. These violations not only compromise the ecological integrity of the affected areas

but also cast doubt upon the legitimacy and ethical standing of the rehabilitation project and LRSA and Municipal oversight of the contractor while this work was being completed.

Despite the passage of eight months since the project's conclusion, the LRSA has failed to initiate any substantive plans with Anchorage Public Works or the Planning Office to address the safety issues raised by Valli Vue homeowners. In light of the foregoing, Valli Vue HOA formally requests that the LRSA board take immediate action to appoint an alternate member to oversee

remediation of the LRSA ditch project. It is our belief that a change in leadership will facilitate the expeditious and effective resolution of the concerns articulated by Valli Vue homeowners.

The community reiterates its request for the immediate remediation of the ditch project, which

include the following:

  1. Restoration of shoulders using material with more structural integrity than RAP;

  2. Reduction of ditch depth to no more than 1.5 feet before topsoil placement, where practical (e.g., away from culverts);

  3. Contouring and cleanup: remove loose rocks, roots, culvert heaters, smooth transitions to

  4. Addition of a suitable thickness of topsoil and seeding with quality grass.

This request is issued with the expectation that the LRSA board will give due consideration to the

serious nature of these assertions and take prompt and appropriate action to address the

concerns of the Valli Vue Homeowners Association and residents. We look forward to your

cooperation and a timely resolution satisfactory to the community which meets the Anchorage

Municipality deadline for the summer 2024 work season. We request a response by February

16, 2024 and can schedule a joint-Board meeting in the interim, if the LRSA would like to meet.


Valli Vue Homeowners Association

Cc: All appropriate persons/departments, MOA Planning Department


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