Article V, Use Restrictions and Architectural Control Section 9, Architectural Control
The Valli Vue P.O.A. requires the review and approval of any new or revised fencing proposed in the subdivision. The Board of Directors and the Architectural Control Committee have approved the following guidelines for fencing:
Maximum of six foot fence height.
Chain link okay for backyard or off street use.
Fence facing any street to be either wood or wood faced with wood inserts for chain link fencing.
Fence setback from front or side street(s) to be equal to or greater than the setback in effect for the existing house structure.
Chain link fencing requires the Homeowner secure the concurrence of adjoining neighbors for installation.
Notwithstanding these guidelines, all plans must be consistent with Municipal Zoning requirements and submitted in writing for approval to the Architectural Control Committee or Board of Directors.
If a Homeowner believes that there are extenuating circumstances, fencing may be reviewed by the Board.